Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 Last night at around 3am I woke up and was nervous about bringing my salsa to school. I never tasted it, I just gave the kids some and they said it was really good. So I decided to get out of bed and go taste it. It tasted a bit salty to me, so I couldn't get back to sleep the rest of the night. 

This morning I dropped the kids off at school. It was around 7:30 and I decided to go to Kroger to get more tomatoes. I got 4 more huge tomatoes, which brings the total to 20 large tomatoes.  While I was there, a strange girl came up to me and said "Can you be nice, can you please be nice?" I'm like what are you talking about, and she said "Can you be nice and drive me to Walmart?" I said "I'm sorry but I am heading in the opposite direction." So she just walked away. I got nervous, so I called Rody incase she was with some weirdo in the parking lot. Rody stayed on the phone with me, but he couldn't talk because he was going in to greet the kindergarteners. All I heard was Rody saying "Good morning you guys!" and the kids saying "Good morning Mr. Rody!" He then said "You guys have a GREAT day!" and the kids said "No, YOU have a GREAT day!" and they went back and forth saying this over and over. I was glad I called him, it was so cute!

I got home and got all the salsa and unpacked and dumped into a big bowl, the bows were falling off the lids so I was glad this happened lol. I cut up the tomatoes and added them to it one by one. Finally after all the tomatoes, it tasted perfect.

 I had 24 jars of salsa, but only 20 bags of chips. I decided to go to Hobby Lobby and get another pack of bags for the chips. I was walking around the Christmas stuff like a crazy person looking for the same bags. Everything was moved around and it seemed like they were out of these bags. I prayed and asked God, if they have these bags here, show me where they are. Just then, I remembered, I didnt even get them in the Christmas department, I got them back in the party supplies. Man I was so happy to find them back there. I sure did thank God!

Got home and packed everything up again, and hot glued the bows on. Then got a gift ready for Misty, then got in the shower, and got ready for work.

I got there early so I could pull up to the door and drop my stuff off and then went and parked in the far parking lot.

Today was the Christmas party, so everyone was in a good mood, which was nice. Mostly everyone brought a small gift in for everyone else. Everyone loved my salsa idea. And mostly everyone ate the salsa during our 15 min sit down party. I'm happy it went well, I was so nervous about people eating my salsa and not liking it. 

I got some lotion, a face mask, lots of candy, a Mc Donald's gift card, and a very cute ornament with my name on it. I love the little spatula in the snowman's hand. 

After work, I picked up the kids and we went and took dad some hot salsa, since that was the only kind left. He loves my hot salsa. They weren't home so I left it for him. I also left mom a good little treat that a lady from work made. She let me take a bag for my mom.
On our way home we saw this guy playing Christmas music on the piano and drums on a busy corner. We listened for a while. And then I decided to take him some salsa and chips, He said thankyou with a big smile. It was so cold out and he was playing with bare hands and no hat or anything. How nice, for him to do that for people at this time of year. 

I got home and made the same snack that Gene made. It turned out perfect. Such a good little snack.
Its just butter corn puffs, with white chocolate drizzled over it, and some sprinkles, then put in the fridge. The kids loved it!
Then I braided Peyton's hair, just to practice. I'm really not good at it yet, so I took it out right away. While I was doing her hair, she was making her Barbie clothes out of a popped balloon. Pretty good if you ask me, I would of never thought to do that lol.

We watched that dumb show Sam and Cat before the kids went to bed. The kids sure laugh during the show, so its fun to hear them laugh. Then I took a bath and did laundry. Then got in bed.

Here is Leon day 20: He's got some new friends!

Peyton came out crying because her lunch lady is retiring, and today was her last day. She wrote her this sweet note.


  1. What a busy day! So good to hear about it.

  2. Wow you worked so hard on the salsa! I'm glad God answered your prayer and you found the bags. Your corn puff treat looks beautiful, and I think you did amazing at braiding like that. Peyton's note is so sweet and thoughtful. Love her artwork. Leon sure has lots of friends.



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...