Monday, December 20, 2021


 Went to work today, it was the best Monday in a long time because of no Gordan order. Thank God! I love it when my boss and Jamie are in good moods.

After work I picked up the kids and went to Aldi for my favorite broccoli, and they were out. I was so bummed.

We went home and now I'm sitting here trying to remember what I even did. WOW haha

O I took pictures of my receipts for Fetch. I  also made Peyton a avocado and fried egg on toast. She loved it. I had one this morning and loved it, so I thought she might.

I went to Jacks to get some stuff to make more salsa. I made salsa and then I got them all ready for work tomorrow, I love how it turned out. The colors are so pretty.

Salsa with a bow
Bag of nacho chips
here's the tag. I got a silver pen and I think it looks pretty.
The kids were begging for salsa. They eat the salsa right out of a bowl, no chips...weirdos. But they loved it.
I facetimed mom and Kimmy to show them. They thought it was pretty too. I cleaned up the house and we watched a show Paul told us about called Sam and Cat, The kids loved it, I didn't love it because it was really bad acting and gave me a headache. Paul will be happy to know they watched it.

A friend posted a picture tonight on Facebook, it reminded me of a picture that used to hang up on the wall at some of our friends house. I absolutely love it, always have. I cant wait to show my kids tomorrow.

Here is Leon Day 19: He is getting into the bubble gum now, what a naughty elf


  1. Your salsa and chips looked amazing the way you had it all so beautifully done up for Christmas gifts. You are one talented girl! What friend posted that picture? I always loved it at Bill and Phyllis's too! Always made me think of how I want to be ready and always following Jesus.

    1. Another mistake, haha i meant she posted a picture that reminded me of that picture. It was Maria's picture that she took in Nashville. I posted it now so you can look back at it. Its really cool to see them both together.



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...