Sunday, December 19, 2021


 This morning we all got up and watched church online. Rody and I watched church on the living room tv and the kids watched eKidz on our bedroom tv.

Kenzie called and asked if she could come pick up Peyton to go shopping with her. She said Isaac could go too but I thought Isaac would get pretty bored looking at girl stuff for hours. He decided he wanted to go shopping with Daddy instead.

Lenny hugs
my 5 babies!

Kenzie sent me this pic, and I made her promise she wouldn't come home with it lol
Kenzie and Peyton got Starbucks, which Peyton was excited about.

I started to peel Mashed potatoes when Paul called, we talked for a while, and then I decided to take a nap. I slept for 1 hr and then woke up. The potatoes were baked enough so I fried them on the stove. Then Rody got home with broccoli and sirloin patties and I got them cooking. 
Lenny and I got a pic together, so I used it for my Facebook profile pic. He's such a cutie pie!

the tongue pic

I love his fluffy face!
This is a picture of Kenzie's friend Libby's little girl, she is just so cute and this is such a perfect picture, I had to post it!

Eating dinner with the most beautiful girls. I told Kenzie that she can always count on a homecooked dinner whenever she comes over, as long as she stays long enough for me to make it and her to eat it. haha

Peyton was so embarrassed to have anyone see her in her little bonnet, she has to wear it to bed so her braids stay in. I thought she looked cute. She let me take a pic and said only for my blog. I love it! I'll especially love it when I don't have to re-braid her hair in the morning.
Before she left, we got a chair in her car. I'm not sure how we even got it in there (and when I say we, I mean Rody) Haha Kenzie and I carried it to the door, it was so heavy we couldn't move more than a inch at a time lol. Rody picked it up and carried it out all by himself. And he was like get out of the way when we were trying to help him get it in the car. We had all the ideas. Haha Kenzie and I were laughing so ourselves. Rody finally got it in and I really hope Travis and Kenzie can get it out.
Kenzie got home safe and sent me these pictures of Mylee. She is so light, I barely even recognize her. Wow!!! She looks alot like Norman to me.

Here she is sleeping with Kit Kat.

Here is Leon Day 19: He sure gets into stuff. He loves to use the dry erase markers! haha And I think he can only draw selfies lol


  1. Thank you for my laugh til I cried moment with peeling those mashed potatoes, then baking them til they were done so you could fry them. You really are overworked!!! Love the sister day, and your great home cooked meal for them. Lenny is so cute and a great dog.

    1. Haha Mom ya I really shouldn't write my blog when Im about to go to bed. It was a long day. I laughed so hard while reading it tonight too. ahahahahaha



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...