Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Today was a bad day at work. There was a major fight between 2 girls in my ling right next to me. They were punching each other in the face and pulling each others hair out. It was the closest I've ever been to a bad fight. I've seen fights out in the cafeteria, but this was so close. It made me so sad to see kids fight like that. I felt like crying.

Then my boss had me put 700 hamburger buns on carts. They were in plastic packages but it took a long time because I had to figure out which ones were the oldest and put those last. Well at the end of the day, just before I was leaving, Tracy, the cook, said "Vikki, guess what you did? You put hamburger buns out and you were supposed to put hot dog buns out." I went and looked and my boss wrote hamburger buns on my list. My boss said she was sorry, but I know its a huge job for Tracie to put them all back and get out 700 hot dog buns. Tracie wasn't too happy about it. It basically meant she had to stay over an hour to fix the mistake.

Then I went to clock out and I noticed I never clocked in, so I had to get ahold of our bosses boss so she could fix it. It really sucked.

Then I got out to my car and noticed I accidentally wore my apron out to my car. ugh!

Mom messaged me to see if we wanted to come help make Christmas cookies. I said we should just decorate them and get that job done. We talked to Kimmy and she and the boys wanted to help too, so we made all the cookies and waited for them to get there to decorate. The kids were so good at doing it, they did it all, and the cookies looked amazing! We listened to Christmas music while the kids decorated.

Made me happy to spend time with my family after such a crazy day at work.

When I got home, I ate my dinner from last night, sirloin patties, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. It was so good, I had been thinking about it all day haha
Peyton made out Christmas cards to take to her friends at school. The girls have a girls club and they all drew names for a secret Santa. She even made a card out to Miss Charity, the school recess helper. She told her that she loves hanging out with her every day, and she told her she is very fun, and she said she is like a 2nd mom to her. I thought that was so sweet! They sure love Miss Charity! And Isaac made out a Christmas card to his friend Corbin. He is Isaacs best friend this year. And Peyton has a crush on him haha. Yesterday she told me she has a crush on him and she doesn't care who finds out. I just laughed.

Here is Leon day 16: He and his friend are using my crock pot for a hot tub. The bubbles are crazy! I like the hot tub rules! haha


  1. What an awful day for you! So sad ad girls would fight like that. Praying you will be able to forget that awful experience. Then to top it off the hamburger bun thing had to happen. Such a bummer. I am glad you still said yes to coming over after all that. You are always so fun to be around. And after all that today, you still helped out here with cutting, decorating and cleaning up. Thank you. Loved the good Christmas music while you all decorated! Praying tomorrow is much better for you! I love you so much!

  2. Funny hot tub rules and funnier hot tub with you know who in it. Cute ducks floating in it. You are such a fun mom to those sweetie grandkids. They sure did a great job with the cookies! Thank you all!



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...