Friday, December 17, 2021


 I had a great day at work today, it was so laid back and fun. Got to talk to this sweet kid Caleb for like 15 minutes. He's one of the special ED kids, but you would never know it. He always holds such a good conversation. He literally says "Hi, how are you doing today?" to everyone who comes near him. I look forward to seeing him and his 2 friends every day. Next year they wont be here and I will be so sad. Hopefully I meet him outside work with his mom or someone so I can keep up on him. His mom works at Holiday Inn in Midland, and they are renting 7 rooms for 2 nights this weekend. He said he was so excited his tummy was gurgling, he didn't think he could eat. His family wont be in town tonight until midnight, so I told him he better eat. They are celebrating Christmas at the Holiday Inn. He is so cute! He also told me during the lockdown yesterday' he sat on his coat like I told him to, because it was a hard floor and they had to sit there for 20 minutes. He said I had a good idea lol.

After work I went and picked up the kids. We went to Hobby Lobby and Walmart. I decided to make salsa for the ladies at work as a Christmas gift.  

I got home and made Salsa and I worked on it and washing the jars for 3 hrs. and 40 minutes. My feet hurt so bad once I sat down. It was my first time sitting down today except for driving and going to the bathroom. ugh

the hot salsa
the mild salsa
I am going to put a bow on each jar and fill the zip lock gift bags with chips. Then put the little tag around the jar, I think it will turn out so cute.
Peyton was so happy with her gift from her secret Santa, Zaynah.

Late snack, applesauce with cinnamon. They loved it!

We watched Different Strokes and read the Bible before the kids went to bed.

This picture made me laugh haha

Here is Leon Day 17: He's looking for people to play Pictionary with him.

Today Hailey turned 18, an adult!!! I don't even know how it is possible. Seems like yesterday she was crying because she didn't want to be held as a baby haha. Now she is all grown up and such a sweet young women. Happy Birthday Hailey!


  1. You are a blessing to those kids. Your salsa looks beautiful and I know how delicious it is. Love Peyton's present she got. I can tell she does too. Beautiful picture of you and Hailey. You are a wonderful loving aunt! I would like to guess for the pictionary game...Leon??? Am I right? Am I right?



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...