Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Had an easy day at work today. All I had to do was open lunch bags and run the cash register. I also had to sweep and mop. Much easier than my usual work load.

I got the kids after school and went over to mom and dads house. I taught mom how to make snowflakes. She loved it and hers turned out great! Its going to be a new tradition for us.

When I got home we cleaned the house. Then I made fried potatoes and sirloin patties for tomorrows dinner. I gave in and ate, because it smelled and looked amazing haha

I talked to Paul while I made dinner. I got his Christmas card in the mail today and he was very excited that my mom called him to thank him for the card he sent her and dad.

After the kids went to bed, I cleaned up and got super tired. I actually was dreading writing my blog cuz I'm so tired. Glad I did it!

Here is Leon Day 15: He's a little naughty again tonight, but it was something easy for mom. haha

1 comment:

  1. So much fun making snowflakes with you. Thanks for the lesson. Your food looks amazing! It was so much fun talking to Paul. He is so sweet and I sure did love my Christmas card from him. What a kind heart he has!
    The video says unavailable just so you know. Loved seeing it on facebook though.



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...