After church, the guy who is the son of the author of those books I am reading messaged me and said I could come pick up the books. So I went right away. He said he was going to put the books on the front porch. When I got there, There was a huge stack of books (18 all together). I messaged him and asked him how many he wanted me to take, and he said all of them. I literally cried! That was so sweet of him! He gave me 6 sets all together.
On my way home I stopped and gave mom her set, and I left her a set for Melissa's family, and also a set to lend out to whoever wants to borrow them.
On my way home I was talking to Misty. I was telling her about the first book that I just got done with. She said it sounds like a book she might want to read, and she said her mom might too. So I asked her if she wanted a set, she said she did, so I dropped a set off, I hung them on the fence in a bag. She was very happy about it. Praying God gets ahold of her (and her mom) through these books.
Isaac made this super cool camera out of legos today, it even has a flash, and you can turn the lens. He was pretty excited about it!
We took our daily walk and the kids wanted to ride their scooters, so I was going to walk both dogs. I decided to let Lenny walk Lucy haha. He did a good job making her stay right on the side of him.
Lucy was pooped keeping up with Lenny haha. I got this bed for her for only $5, she loves it, but she wont go inside of it, she sleeps on top of it haha
What an amazing blessing to be given 6 sets of books by the author's son. God is so good. Thank you for my set. It made me so happy. Thanks for one to pass around too. Love Isaac's camera with the flash. Love how the kids took notes during church with their new pens from papa. I love you!