Monday, January 17, 2022


 We didn't have school today because its MLK day. I was very happy to be able to sleep in. Last night I couldn't sleep. I didn't go to sleep until 3am.

Isaac made some games on the game maker thing that Aunt Ann got him for Christmas. Peyton painted, but I helped her blend a little bit. She did a great job and loved painting, she's artistic like Kenzie.

Peyton and I watched the movie Little Women, we loved it. After that I took a nap.
We had tacos for dinner.
Mom and dad are home safe, which makes me so happy! Cant wait to hang out with them soon.
We watched Medicine Woman and then read the Bible. The kids begged to read another chapter. Again, I said no, even though I really wanted to too. We sure look forward to this Jacob and Esau story every night. Love it!

I found a cute frame for the painting. Peyton is going to love that its in a frame in the morning.
Weird thing happened. Kimmy and I were texting back and forth and we were talking about fish. I told her I liked moms salmon, but that's basically the only fish I like. We were talking about trying to make it for our family's and what are the odd's that this salmon recipe would be in the frame I put Peyton's painting in. Haha it was literally maybe 5 min after I talked to Kimmy about salmon. It was in the frame behind an old picture of Kenzie. So weird.

I'm going to fold laundry and then get to bed. I'm still really tired.

1 comment:

  1. Fun and creative for the kids! They did great, and it's nice to see Peyton artistic talent. I had to laugh about the salmon recipe after talking to Kimmy. I have a great recipe that's super easy Charlie gave me.



 Today we went to Kenzies. Rody hasn't been to her house yet so I was excited for him to go there. He was coming with us so he could loo...